------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same content in general, justified, different title than the .pdf of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C) Copyright 9/30/2009 Justin M. Coslor Ohm's Law I = 1 cycle of motion, and space allows for motion. (Traditionally, I = Intensity of ElectroMotiveForce measured in Amperes.) Space is curved. E = 1 unit of time. Meaning the distance through the origin of the spiral per unit of time. (Like a Helix.) Time is a function of motion. So time is proportional to motion. (Traditionally, E = Energy measured in Volts.) R = the pathway for each cycle of motion. (Traditionally, R = Resistance (also called the load), measured in Ohms.) ... Another word for pathway in a closed circuit continuum or Context. A closed circuit is a pathway of space through time. That means that Power = the quantity of the space time pathway in terms of units of quanta, such as quarks, which are theorized to be something like small loops and spirals and knots of energy or something I presume, perhaps similar in calculation to Sine Spiral Graphing. (Traditionally P = Power measured in Watts.) (10/1/2009 update by Justin M. Coslor this is all in terms of Ohm Law. Exponents are perpendicular dimensions in curved space such as spirals around lines and loops and spirals...See Sine Spiral Graphing by Justin M. Coslor that was notorized in the State of Washington in 1997. Fractional Exponents are partition sections of motion cycles divided into units partition sections of the fractional exponent denominator, i.e. root equations and logarithms represented geometrically via trigonometry orbits.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/02/2009 Justin Coslor note: Another word for pathway is network. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------